- 真空チャンバー
- UHV超高真空チャンバー
- 真空バルブ
- 真空コンポーネント
- Edwardsターボ分子ポンプ
- スクロール真空ポンプ
- 中古真空ポンプ
EBARA ドライポンプキット
- A07 - EBARA dry pump kits
- A10S - EBARA dry pump kits
- A30 - EBARA dry pump kits
- A70W - EBARA dry pump kits
- A150W - EBARA dry pump kits
- 40.20 - EBARA dry pump kits
- 50.20 - EBARA dry pump kits
- 80.25 - EBARA dry pump kits
- 150.40 - EBARA dry pump kits
- AA10 - EBARA dry pump kits
- AA20 - EBARA dry pump kits
- AA40 - EBARA dry pump kits
- AA200 - EBARA dry pump kits
- サニタリーフィッティング
- パフロロエラストマー(FFKM) Oリング
- Local Scrubber 洗浄装置
- Energy-Saving Heat Jacket
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6-Way Crosses

KF 6-Way Crosses

ISO 6-Way Crosses

CF 6-Way Crosses-Fixed

CF 6-Way Crosses-Three Flange Rotatable

CF CUBES with Fractional Thread

CF CUBES with Metric Thread
The 6 way cube fittings with Conflat flanges are used for ultra-high vacuum applications. The flange size CF-100 (4” bore, 6” OD) and below are made of one piece block. The flange size CF-150 and above are made of welded plates. The standard material is S.S.304, other materials are available upon request.
Htc vacuum provides 6-Way crosses series : Fittings type and Cubes type.
According to customer demand to design and manufacture, application for Research units or special vacuum environments.
- CF CUBES with Fractional Thread
- CF CUBES with Metric Thread
Htc vacuum can provide larger or special specifications, please provide the drawings sent to ec@high-light.com.tw
Our business specialist will contact you and offer quote.